The handshake of racism.

Storm in a football for LFC...

The handshake refusal of Suarez became major topic now and if you see Suarez had his hand out, but with Evra looking non-committal, he hurried past. If he grabs Evra’s hand, he’s forcing the United man to accept it. Both men were put in an awkward position, and yet again media gets into a lather about a handshake. After Banitez now Suarez get's the same treatment from english media.

Alex F*k*n had his say. “Disgraceful,” screamed the headlines, as if he’d written them himself . Suarez should be sold; he should never play for Liverpool again.

Who the hell is he to tell Liverpool Football Club how to conduct its business? Of course he wants to drive Suarez out of England and Liverpool, just as he did with Benítez,Did he sold cantona for kicking the fans ?

I’ve seen few angles of the handshake in video clips now , and Evra’s hand stays low, and Suarez’s hand hurries past. Neither man seems to be holding a hand ‘out’ to the other. Evra escalates the situation by grabbing Suarez, making sure that everyone saw and sealed his reputation as the most hated footballer in England right now.

Despite Suarez’s admission and apology for not shaking Evra’s hand, my belief remains that Evra has his own part in this and he was all too keen for this outcome. Neither player wanted to shake the other’s hand and this is clear from all video evidence.


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