Rama and Sita residing in Hanuman's heart Great rejoicings and festivities followed the return of Sri Rama to Ayodhya and his crowning as the King. After a few days, life went back to normal and all the monkeys who had served as warriors in his army returned to their home in the forest. Only one stayed behind; he was sad to leave the Master of his heart. He stood quietly in a corner and looked at Sri Rama with eyes filled with Love. Sri Rama noticed his fervent devotee and asked: "O mighty hero how am I to compensate you for all you have done for me and my family?" Many would have wanted wealth, name or fame, approbation or recognition or VIP line in return for their services. But Sri Hanuman was above all these: "I desire nothing, Prabhu!" Then the Queen, Sita Mother, removed a valuable necklace of pearls from her neck and offered it to the humble Sri Hanuman. Sri Hanuman took the necklace from Sita Mother. However, strang...