
Showing posts from July, 2009

Views of Life

'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.'Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.And you will find things are actually not as difficult as you think' 'Sometimes we spend time in asking who is responsible or whom to blame, whether in a relationship, in a job or with the people we know.By this way we miss out some warmth in human relationship' Think twice..

The return of Master

M.Schumacher to make sensational Formula One return with Ferrari.. Its a Fantsatic News!!i was so exicited about this news & looking forward to seing again he drive the redhourse car.Just imagine Schumacher racing (lucky) Hamilton,J.Button,new Alonso & What about his own teamate & former rival k.Raikonnen.I think this decision is the best thing for him, Ferrari and Formula One. Watch him get in and go & i would like to tell this word for him "Catch him if Can"

Total Solar Eclipse

Rahu & Kethu shallow the SUN ? Tommorow, 2009 July 22, a total eclipse of the Sun is visible from within a narrow corridor that traverses half of Earth. The path of the Moon's umbral shadow begins in India and crosses through Nepal and China.It will be start at around 8.30am our time & estimated last long for 7 minutes.For me it will be the most wonderfull event which will occur in this generation & to witness it throught my naked eyes..But i guess not for others in**** people.."cannot makan"cannot mandi" & all the b**** ..Anyway wait for it happens tommorow.. For more info :-

IT guy is better than a husband..

Saviour ? I worked as onsite support engineer before in my previous company,support local production there,so everyday i will be meeting all the people or customers in my daily workdays including the company MD's.I will called by them when they face any difficulities or problems on their pc usage.So whenever i fixed their problems they will be so pleased with me & thanks me so much (they will look me as their saviour/god) eventho its a simple i click problem solving solution.Sometimes i feel strange why they act as this but i take it as normal coz its my job to help them to solve their problem.Come to real story i was reading news & found a noci article on The Sunday Times which describing "IT guy is better than a husband" hehe oppss..did they really?The 1st prase sounds as this " People who save lives are heroic. Doctors. Nurses. They deserve a lot of credit. But what about IT people?" continue read it at this link ;-

Special Day

Today is a special day ,please join me in wishing a very special gal in my life .. Hope your special day brings u all that your heart desires!i am wishing u a day full of plesant suprises!.Happy Birthday

Feeling Lonely,Food is tasteless..

I wonder why? Suddenly felt I’m lost in this silent world…….Hmmmm…how did this happen? Even me myself also dunno….. Today as usually I was eating alone at UOA building near HP tower. This is what happen: I was eating chicken rice ,(no other choice for me..when working day..its pretty hard to choose what to eat,whare to eat) as ussual i will end up at UOA chiken rice shop..hehe.. I choose a place beside a wall at my side,so there is a big view of everyone at the shop which i can sniper.. Suddenly the table on my left caught my attention, hmmmm…it is a friends of 5 eating happily, when I saw it I felt envy. On my right hand side, is a couple also chatting happily while having lunch. In front of me, that table full of a group of collage students also chatting happily, then I realized how lonely I am. Hahaha…that kind of feeling was very complicated and hard to describe. Just when I want to continue finish off my chicken rice, suddenly I feel it was tasteless no matter how much chilli ,uuu...