Feeling Lonely,Food is tasteless..

I wonder why?

Suddenly felt I’m lost in this silent world…….Hmmmm…how did this happen? Even me myself also dunno….. Today as usually I was eating alone at UOA building near HP tower. This is what happen:

I was eating chicken rice ,(no other choice for me..when working day..its pretty hard to choose what to eat,whare to eat) as ussual i will end up at UOA chiken rice shop..hehe.. I choose a place beside a wall at my side,so there is a big view of everyone at the shop which i can sniper..

Suddenly the table on my left caught my attention, hmmmm…it is a friends of 5 eating happily, when I saw it I felt envy. On my right hand side, is a couple also chatting happily while having lunch. In front of me, that table full of a group of collage students also chatting happily, then I realized how lonely I am. Hahaha…that kind of feeling was very complicated and hard to describe.

Just when I want to continue finish off my chicken rice, suddenly I feel it was tasteless no matter how much chilli ,uuuuhhh..I add on it is still tasteless. Hmmmm I think I lost my appetite already so I left the plate of chicken rice which I barely touch on the table and left.

At the same time I realise although the surrounding place is noisy but i hear nothing, I just felt like I’ve fallen into another dimension where everything was so quiet and it seems like no one notice me like I’m transparent……hmmmm maybe it not a bad thing after all...


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