Planets surround moon in unusual night sky
Venus and Jupiter and the moon provides a 'smiley' ...
Last night, at first my mum called & showed to me & said "hey look ..its SIVAN on the sky"..i dismissed it & said that could be Satellite .But i took a shoot from my camera coz it look a rare view...Then later on the night i found out on the net it was actually a rare positioning of planets Venus (top left) and Jupiter (top right) and the crescent moon of the Earth.Oh man how could i duno this... & wrong i am..but how lucky i am to saw that kind of view..Coz the next time Venus, Jupiter and a moon will be as close and visible as this will be Nov. 18, 2052. Hehe i wont be here...Gear up to see it again tonight..but not sure whether it will appear or not.. :-)