How to Deal With Stress
Be Calm in a Stressful Situation....
Life can be stressful and at times you'll have to take steps to deal with ongoing stress in a positive way.. Stress can also be a side effect of a serious illness or disease. There is also stress associated with daily life, the workplace, and family responsibilities. It’s hard to stay calm and relaxed in our hectic lives. Both short and long-term stress can have effects on your body. Stress is related to the situations that you feel are difficult to handle. Stress leads to trouble sleeping,headaches,constipation ,irritability lack ofenergy,lack of concentration ,anger, sadness ,tension.Any change in our lives can be stressful? It is important to recognize the causes (some stress is natural) and, if possible, take steps to deal with the root of the problem or ask for help from friends.Talk It Out.
How to avoid stress
Life can be stressful and at times you'll have to take steps to deal with ongoing stress in a positive way.. Stress can also be a side effect of a serious illness or disease. There is also stress associated with daily life, the workplace, and family responsibilities. It’s hard to stay calm and relaxed in our hectic lives. Both short and long-term stress can have effects on your body. Stress is related to the situations that you feel are difficult to handle. Stress leads to trouble sleeping,headaches,constipation ,irritability lack ofenergy,lack of concentration ,anger, sadness ,tension.Any change in our lives can be stressful? It is important to recognize the causes (some stress is natural) and, if possible, take steps to deal with the root of the problem or ask for help from friends.Talk It Out.
How to avoid stress
- Identify the cause of your your heart pounding because of that presentation you have to give to your boss tomorrow? Think for a moment and try to figure out what’s really bothering you.So organize your life so that you avoid any unnecessary stresses and do not create any new ones by your action.
- Exercise.2x a week, thirty minutes a day. It will keep your energy up, increase the flow of endorphins and give you a better outlook on your life for good Health .
- Try to do something you love every day to give yourself something to look forward to. By taking time to get yourself organized, and taking care of yourself, you can begin to gain control and ensure that your workday is as relaxed as possible.
- Laugh - Laughter is a good cure all, releasing tension caused from stress.Science has proven that laughter really is quite good medicine.
- Find A Hobby. Find something that you like to do during the day that is completely unrelated to work. Schedule some time to take a break and enjoy your hobby. Having something to look forward to is a great way to reduce the amount of stress in your life.
- Certain nutrients have proved beneficial in relieving stress.These are vitamins A and B; and minerals such as calcium,potassium, and magnesium which reduce the feeling of irritability and anxiety.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables like,mango,oranges,tomatoes, broccoli,and spinach, vitamin supplements like B complex, C and E are helpful in relieving stress. Chocolates are becoming popular as stress relievers because of the magnesiumcontained in it which acts as a tranquilizer.
- Eat a healthy breakfast and healthy snacks only. Your choice of food is very important when dealing with stress; stay away from sugary snacks and have unsalted nuts and fruit available. Drink water it is the best beverage and stay off alcohol which always adds to stress one way or another. Caffeine is also known to raise stress levels, so again it is best to drink water.enough sleep, and, if possible, get into regular sleeping habits.
- Listen to music. Stress can inspire intense emotional reaction. Utilize it. Vent the spleen to a favourite piece of music and experience a happy release. Also, positive and relaxing music can be helpful.
No matter what happens, try to look on the bright side, even if you think there isn't one. Laugh as much as you can and as hard as you can. It can make all the difference. Don't take everything so seriously; life is hard enough.Be Calm in a Stressful Situation...Identify the cause of your stress.Then solved it.Its over.Be realistic. If you continue to experience stress because no matter how hard you try you can’t take the steps quickly enough, you probably haven’t set realistic goals.
Life is a path filled with rocks and mountains; you may be able to pick up the rocks, but you'll have to walk around the mountain.
haha last BP reading 130/80.. doc said this is normal but im not sure...
exercise - haha no comment
laugh - u will try when i am at home.. office - sorry
find a hobby - boeing 747
nutrients - apa lagi, south pacific lah
Eat a healthy breakfast and healthy snacks only - ehm... bfast ah?
Listen to music - sonic gear, waiting for some1 lah wei
I handle it by Listening to music's & it works for me.So, take care of YOU.