I've completed 1/4th of a century yesterday....

How can I be 25? It just seems like yesterday that I was in my 20s and now I am almost halfway to 30. I've tried to ignore it and pretend it wouldn't get here- but alas today is my birthday. I used to love to celebrate it but now just wish it would go away. A simple quiet day.....well i hope , but the phone rings and i get everyone calling to sing to me.Hmm it is a year of new beginnings and starting over.....Birthdays are suppose to be special. They always have been, they always will be. No matter how old we grow, no matter how similar they become, it's one day that says a whole lot.I was born at 9:26am 25 years ago. Today is the start of a brand new life for me.Enjoy and Happy Birthday to Me.


rajlesta said…
thanks for admitting org tua!!
he he

happy bday my dear fren...
may god bless u...
Gem said…
thanks man...anyway ur's just around the corner..so u shud enjoy before getting "tua" like u mention above...
rajlesta said…
thanks uncle SRK!!
Gem said…
wait 4 ur turn!!!!!

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