
Showing posts from February, 2013


The moment which change my life 4hour after appear to Earth

Snake year begins

Gong XI Fat Chai Wishing all Chinese friends who celebrating the new year to to start the new year by forgive and forget every grudge and sincerely wish peace and happiness to everyone.Happy Chinese New Year !!!!

Is the moment is today ?

Guessing time We are still guessing,"We were always thinking 'This is it!' Every time, though we are still waiting and made wait by none other then our new family member - , it's nerve-wreaking! When my wife felt 1st quite painful contractions 2 weeks ago , I thought it is labor day but soon turn out to be "False Alarm" . That contractions-scare happens on 36-week of pregnancy. The following week (37 weeks), My wife didn't feel any pains or contractions. She had another painful contractions on Tuesday , but we decided to wait at home to monitor if its followed by more pain but seems its disappear and only come time to time .We went for checkup this week wed (week 38 of pregnancy), The doc stated the pain might due to food poison and not labor pain .The doctor later examine my wife stomach to monitor the baby's heartbeat and mentioned that there's still long time for labor to start since the cervix has yet to ripen . The baby's pos...

Visiting temple during "monthly"

Human rules I am curious on this issue since long ago on "WHY" woman normally wont go temple or involve in any auspicious event during "monthly" but i really cant stant with the ban when i was told if my wife deliver baby i cant even visit temple,even my self.What the heck... The other day , I had a long and fierce discussion with my wife on why woman normally wont be advised/prefer to visit temple, Her explanation to me  temples are god were places of hygiene and surrounded with positive energy,Women having "monthly" are 'unclean their body is not hygienic, that's why they are not allowed to worship . I cant really agree with the thoughts , Impurity and unclean is in one's heart and not in physical form. If women is not allowed to go temple in her "monthly" due to hygienic then she shouldn't go to workplace too ? while I voiced my toughs , she were constantly urging to me with her belief and faith. Did GOD said that females...