
Showing posts from January, 2013

What the Heck!!!

Kamal's most awaited movie Viswaroopam,released worldwide yesterday but sadly it got banned in India and Malaysia today due to so called protect by *(&(*&)( .Just before a prior release of a movie u cant ban a movie.Viswaroopam is censored with U certificate.This is absolutely ridiculous.. This country has lost its unity in diversity. why would a film certified by the censor board be stopped by a group of individuals ? Let the audience decide what's good for them. If the audience feel the content is inappropriate, they will definitely stage their protest. How can a group of individuals define this constraint. I feel this is a violation of my fundamental rights !!!

Welcoming 2013

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu [May all beings in this universe be happy.] Hope its not too late ,it has been 3rd day of An new begining of another 365 days which consist of 8760 hours 525,600 minutes and 31,536,000 seconds wah!!. Yes we have more days hours or minutes to plan-do or act.Lets start now with our new resolution and achive it without any fear . 2012 was an average year for me and i need to have good planning for 2013 to make it excellent .A year from now, I'll have new member in the family and an challenging year is ahead beyond me. Follow Dharma. Fight Adharma. Om Ekadantaya Vidimahe Vakratundaya Dhimahi Tanno Dantih Prachodayat All our thoughts to the one-tusked lord All our meditation upon him who has a curved trunk O Ganesha guide us on the right path