
Showing posts from May, 2011

Istanbul ’05

The 25th of May – Special Day The 25 th of May is a very special day for all Liverpool supporters. Istanbul ’05 -possibly – no, make that definitely – the most celebrated occasions of Liverpool FC’s history – occurred on this magical date. It will be on top of the ‘Best Ever’ list for every fan like me . They say you always remember your first time. Well the mighty reds, I and millions over the world would mark this as unforgettable day for us as the images are still fresh in super-colour in my mind. I thought nothing could ever surpass it, or even get close.

Encouraged for 'Work'

Back to work It's that time of the week again. Since it's always the first working day of the week, it's back to the old typing, writing, generating reports, coding, etc... more work to be done. While I am only just a small fry here, but then I would like to contribute as many. These few days has got me thinking, what is my goal in my life? Yes, in a company I would love to be mentioned and be an outstanding one. So I guessed this is the time to shine. In a while many people always thought that it's never easy being someone which people thought impossible. Guessed I have to change those thoughts.